Sunday, June 29, 2014

Long Distance Relationships

It's been two days since John left, and I already know... long distance relationships suck.

I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been crying for the past two days (I'm ridiculous, I know), but with his leaving comes the realization that soon I'll be leaving too. Sure, he comes back in a month and a half, but then we both go our seperate ways for three months. These next 4 years will be rough! It'll be so hard to be away from him of course, but leaving my family will be just as hard. Man, growing up isn't as fun as I thought it would be.

My summer just got a lot more boring with John leaving, so now it's time to focus on myself and getting ready for the next huge transition in my life. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Let's Play Footsie

I'm not sure why, but whenever I go to take an "artsy" picture, my feet always end up being the focus. Whether I'm in a field, or at the beach, trust me, I'll take a picture of my feet. Maybe it's because sometimes I want to show off my shoes, or where I'm standing has cool texture. 
My dad and I came up with a new idea for my "feet" pictures. Starting now, wherever I go, I'll take a picture of my feet. Whether it be London, Seaside, Paris, or the lake, my feet will get a little photo op. So one day, I can put all of my feet pictures together and remember exactly where I've been. 
So, here's to playing footsie with the world.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hail to Thee, Our Alma Mater

I'm pretty emotional right now. I've been planning on writing a high school reflection post for quite sometime now, but it's weird to think that the time to write it is here, because I graduated yesterday. How did that happen?

One of the highlights of my high school expereince was of course, John. I remember when we first started dating sophomore year and we would see eachother in between classes. Everyday after second period, we would stand and awkwardly talk and smile and blush and what not. He even began to give me a quick peck before we had to leave for our next class. Who knew that when I started dating John in December of my sophomore year, I would graduate still being in love with him? He's leaving for Yale in 22 days and to be honest, it's breaking my heart.  I feel so lucky to have spent the majority of my high school experience with him. My happiest high school memories include him.

In high school, I wasn't one to go to parties. I rarely ever got invited to those things, but I found no problem in that. To be honest, I'm proud of it. I can graduate knowing I stayed true to myself and my passions. Maybe what I love to do is different (like baking on a Saturday night), but I always did what made me happy. I applaud other girls who strive to do the same thing. High school isn't about the parties, the boys, or how many friends you have. It's about being true to yourself and what brings you happiness. 

I have had a super blessed high school experience. I was captain of my drill team, on KCBY, a Red Jacket, got into the school of my dreams, on homecoming court three times,  nominated for prom queen, and met my high school sweetheart. I met amazing people and had plenty of laughs with my best friends. Coppell High School was so good to me. Sure, high school came with plenty of ups and downs, but I walked across the stage on Thursday feeling nothing but complete happiness. I got to be a Coppell Cowboy for one last time with all of the people I grew up with. 

There are no words to explain how lucky I am to have grown up in this town. I spent every grade here in this city and made every school memory as a Coppell Cowboy. I'm moving onto Austin now, but I will always be a Coppell Cowboy at heart. Goodbye Mockingbird Elementary, Middle School East, and CHS... You've been so good to me.