Friday, June 12, 2015

A Letter to my Grandpa

You are so good to me. Even as you deal with this horrible thing called Alzheimers, you have loved me unconditionally - just as you have my entire life.  I wish this wasn't happening to you, but that's just life I guess. You are so smart and strong and loving, even in your old age.

You used to tickle me all the time. I'd beg you to have a tickle fight with me and you would win every time. I remember you would always hurry to finish your dinner so you could take me and my sister outside to play, just us three. I remember thinking you were invincible, just like my dad. You were a part of the rock that is my family; the thing that keeps me together. You loved ice cream... probably a little too much. I could always count on you to have a bowl of blue bell with me. And remember when you would take me to Baskin Robbins (or robin hood, as I would call it)? You came to every dance competition and recital and cheered me on. One time, you came back stage with me and helped me breath after my solo. I had a sharp pain in my stomach and you told me to put my arms up and take 17 deep breaths. It worked and you were right, just like every other time. You hugged me and told me I danced beautifully. I never understood how you could sit through hours and hours of dance competitions without getting bored, but you would do it for Meri and I. You grinned and grinned and told us we were the best dancers there, even if that wasn't true. You loved to watch me dance and I loved to have you in the audience. When I would spend the night, you would always come in and rub my forehead until I fell asleep. I'd hear you wake up early in the morning, while you drank your coffee and worked on your crossword puzzle. Later, Gran would make pancakes and we would eat them together. You never failed to remind me that I was beautiful and you might have told that to everyone in town. Sometimes I was embarrassed, but I knew deep down that you truly believed I was beautiful inside and out, and that made me feel so good. You told me I was smart and pushed me to get good grades. You reminded me to be the best person I could be and always be nice.

I wish this wasn't happening to you sometimes. Actually, all the time. You may have forgotten all of this and more. But you took care of us when I was younger, so now it's our turn to take care of you. I love you Grandpa - I always have and always will.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Go Confidently, Go KD

Okay, I know I brag on my sorority way too much, but I'm so proud to be a part of this chapter! Check out this video and see if you can find me :) and aren't my sisters the cutest?!