Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lake Daze

This past weekend, I got to go the lake with John and his family. It was so so so fun. We left on Saturday morning and stayed till Monday morning. I was sad we couldn't have stayed longer! The lakehouse we stayed at was John's sister's boyfriend's and it was in Daisy, Arkansas.. a super cute small town!

When we arrived on Saturday, it started raining as soon as we put our swimsuits on. Bummer. We passed the time by playing some card games. When the rain stopped, we went out on the jet skis. It was my first time riding a jet ski, and let me tell you, I was scared. There were two jet skis, and of course the one I was on kept tipping over. John's sister, Christina, and I literally tipped over 4 or 5 times before we even got 10 feet from the dock. I couldn't stop laughing! For dinner, we had yummy burgers. After that, it was game time. We played this suuuuuper fun game called Mexican Train. If you don't know how to play, figure it out and then call me up. :) Of course, I was so bad the first few times I played, but I got the hang of it eventually. But no matter how good you were, no one could beat Stephanie because she just had luck on her side. Boo.

After a night of interesting sleep (John's alarm went off like, three times in the middle of the night and I was just about ready to kill him), we got up, had some breakfast, and went straight to the lake. We were out there all day long. I wouldn't of had it any other way! Johnny and I took the jet skis out and I got air! It was hilarious. I was going so fast and hit a wave and boom, I was in the air! It was pretty awesome, I must say. John looooved the jet ski so much. He was doing crazy figure 8s and hitting every wave. It was hysterical just watching him from the dock. He was having so much fun. After a long day in the sun, J and I came back in to find were sunburned reeeallly good (curse you pale skin). So, that night was pretty rough. I put loads and loads of aloe vera on. I had my glasses on and my hair in a bun on top of my head, so I looked rough. I'm surprised J didn't scream when he saw me. But he's a trooper. ;) Later that night we played with some sparklers, and had a few more rounds of Mexican Train, woohoo!

I can't wait to go back someday, hopefully. Getting to spend so much time with John was amazing. After a week long mission trip with no communication, I really missed that boy.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Europe part 2: a video

Friday, July 12, 2013

Europe Part 1: London

London was everything I had hoped for and more. The buildings were beautiful and there was something interesting on every street corner. I loved it. 

We did SO MUCH in London. Our hotel was a 2 minute walk to Buckingham palace which was insane. We walked there the first night and had dinner down the street. The next day we went to see Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. We got to go in and see where William and Kate got married. To say I was excited would be an undertstatment. We also went to the Tower of London and saw the crown jewels. One of the most beautiful things we saw was Windsor Castle. It's the castle that the queen stays in during the summer. It was so amazing to see how old it was and where the old kings and queens used to stay. It was incredible. We did so much more, I can't even think about how to write it all down.

We took the Underground everywhere we went. I'm basically the Underground master. I knew what train to take and when at all times. It was so fun to be able to act like a real London native. I'm tellin' ya, I could live there. 

The food was pretty interesting, but I managed to find something to eat everywhere we went. So that was good. One morning I was so hungry that I actually passed out in the hotel lobby. Not kidding. That was pretty interesting to say the least. 

We were exhausted throughout the entire trip. At the end of the day our feet were aching and legs throbbing. So, we all slept pretty heavily. My sister said I even slept talk some nights. 

I'm already ready to go back. London was like New York, but better. I'm ready to pack my bags and find a little apartment a cute street corner. I think I could do it. 

Next post: PARIS!