^ I'm currently at a cute, little coffee shop, studying for my two finals. Wish me luck!
The fall semester of my sophomore year is almost over. How did that happen? I still remember moving into my freshman dorm, so nervous for the years that lay ahead of me. I didn't even know where my classes were, let alone where life would lead me. This semester has been so different... I can't believe how much I have grown.
So much has happened since I've been here. I have been given so much, sometimes I can't believe it. My roommate Clara always manages to remind me of that. She said something so true the other day. She said that we are living in the time we always talked about. Like, in high school, I would dream of college and where I would be. I would talk to my family about the time when I would finally be at UT (I hoped). And here I am, living in that time. Truly living in it. Last year, I was just trying to survive college and look like I knew what I was doing. Now, a year later, classes are going alright, I'm serving on Kappa Delta exec and my friends and sisters are incredible. I feel confident in who I am and who I am becoming. I can't believe how lucky I am.
This semester has been really hard, school wise, though. I've somehow made it to the end (two finals to go!!!) and am almost halfway done with my time here at UT. Time is going fast. College has been so good to me.
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