Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Reflection on Austin

I'm almost halfway done with my college career, thus I've lived in Austin for almost two years. I have a love/hate relationship with this city. Mostly love, occasionally hate. 

One thing to love about Austin is that it is never boring. Sometimes when school is slow (though that doesn't happen often) I sit around thinking I'm bored. But then I think I'm crazy - I live in one of the most exciting places in the country, in the world maybe, so I should never be bored here. I can go outside and explore, go try food I wouldn't normally eat, shop and look around the eclectic stores, and of course, eat a lot of dessert. Austin is constantly moving from on thing to the next. There is always another festival, another show, another concert. There's no time to be bored.

^ Feeling on top of the world at Mt. Bonnell

^ Jacoby's Restaurant and Mercantile

The food in Austin is nothing short of incredible. Whether you want Mexican food or brunch, you will not be disappointed. Whenever I go home to Dallas for summer, I can't help but miss my favorite restaurants back in Austin (I'm looking at you, Homeslice). Shockingly, I haven't gained much weight since I've moved to Austin, thanks in part to all of the walking around campus. I constantly apologize to my family for the money I spend on food - forget clothes and shoes, food is the thing burning a hole in my pocket. The stories behind several of Austin restaurant's are almost as good as the food. 

One thing is for sure about Austin: It is a weird, weird place. People continue to "Keep Austin Weird" every single day. My world has grown immensely since moving here. Back home in my bubble of the town I grew up in, I felt safe and comfortable. Here in Austin, I may often feel uncomfortable and maybe even a little scared, but I have learned about other people and ways of life. It is a good kind of scared and lack of comfort that I feel. I will forever be thankful for all of the weird things I have witnessed in this city. It has shown me there is a world beyond the home I grew up in and people experiencing many different walks of life. I strongly believe everyone needs to move away from home to a place much different than the place they grew up in and experience life there. Though Austin may only be 350 miles from Dallas, it is much, much different - a different I know now I desperately needed. 

One of the biggest downsides of Austin is the traffic. It. is. horrible. If you have to drive somewhere 10 minutes away, you better leave at least half an hour earlier than planned if you'd like to be there even remotely on time. But if that's the only downside to Austin, I guess I can sit in traffic a little bit longer. 

The only other thing wrong with Austin? It's not where my family is. I miss my family and dogs every single day, and to be honest, I think about driving home quite often. As amazing as Austin is, it will never fill the hole that is my family.

I always loved playing outside when I was younger, but as I got older, I couldn't care less about spending time outside. But when I came to school here, I realized pretty quickly how wonderful being outdoors is in Austin. I often sit inside doing homework or relaxing and feel guilty that I'm wasting such a beautiful day away. I try and get out as much as possible, even if that means just putting a blanket on the front lawn and read a book. The trees and water and green grass and trails are meant to be enjoyed - I hope I spend much more time outside during my last two years of college. 

Austin is an incredible, beautiful place. As much as I'd like to say I came to UT because it is an amazing school, I wanted to go to UT so I could live in Austin. Here I am, two years in Austin, and I am so glad I picked this place to be my second home. Austin, keep on being weird. Weird is good.


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