Saturday, March 9, 2013

music to my ears...

I've always loved music. As a dancer, it's the imperative counterpart to our movement. Growing up in dance, I always had an appreciation for music that my friends at school didn't. I listened to Imogen Heap when I was 8 years old, which wasn't exactly normal. Don't get me wrong, I had my fair share of Hilary Duff and Jonas Brother type obsessions, but I've always had an ear for different music. 

I hate hate hate radio music. The constant replay of Katy Perry just doesn't sit well with me. I love music that no one else has discovered... music by artists who don't care about the fame or even the money; just knowing people are listening to their music is enough for them. When people tell me I have good taste in music, it is one of my favorite compliments. 

I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite artists. Some call it "hipster" music, but I just call it good music. These are the artists that deserve to be on the radio. 

1. Bon Iver - Justin Vernon is easily my all time favorite. He's genius.
2. Explosions in the Sky - Their music is strictly instrumental, which is nice change. For some reason, their music always helps me focus on homework. 
3. Of Monsters and Men - They have an old folk sound to them, similar to Mumford
    & Sons,  which I love. 
    4. Passion Pit - What can I say about them? Perfect. I would die to see them in concert.
    5. Foster the People - I've seen them in concert & they were great live. 
    6. The Black Keys - I loooove them. Love love love. Seeing them in concert is on my 
     "what to do before I die" list.
    7. MGMT - Their music reminds me of New York City, so obviously I love it.
    8. Wolf Gang - They are a new obsession for me. They opened for Coldplay on their last     
    tour and they are amazing.


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