Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Break

This break has been so, so good. I've done everything I've wanted to do - from sleeping a lot, reading, and spending time with my family and John. I've been here since December 10, but I'm still not quite ready to go back. I'm looking forward to this next semester, but breaks are always so nice.

My family got a new fire pit in the backyard, so there has been a lot of sitting around the fire and s'mores. We've never had a pool or anything, so it's been so nice having a reason to sit outside and enjoy the weather. We have so much fun together... I love our sense of humor! They make me laugh so stinkin' hard.

I'm kind of (okay completely) obsessed with my dogs. They might just be my hardest goodbye!

The weather over this break has been pretty crazy. It's been unseasonably warm. I'm a winter kind of girl, so I haven't been too thrilled that I haven't been able to wear my beanies and warmest winter sweaters. 

^ ew, PDA!!!!

I love this boy. We've been spending so much time together and it's been great. This break he even got me into Star Wars (I thought I'd never say that). We've had a lot of down time just hanging out and talking. He's my best friend! I've been trying not to think about leaving him in just a few days...

I feel so lucky I get to back to this school on Sunday. I'm going to be crying as I leave Dallas, I'm sure, but at least I get to go back to a place I truly love. 


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