Monday, October 21, 2013

It's been a while...

So I'm back. It's been so long since my last post, I know... To be honest I was a bit discouraged with my blog. But I miss it. So, the blog is starting up again. :)

Senior year is in full swing with all sorts of things. My life consists of college applications, lariettes, homework, work, stress, stress, and more stress. I've been running around like crazy trying to get everything done. But to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. It sure makes life interesting. 

This past week was homecoming... the best and worst week of the year. It's so hectic but so fun. John & I were on homecoming court again this year which is so dang fun and such an honor. We really enjoyed and appreciated it. We wore mums & garters... such a crazy Texas tradition. We won the football game of course and had an awesome dance on Saturday night. Actually, I hate dances. They are so awkward and sweaty and gross. I just enjoy getting all dressed and seeing John wear a handsome suit. Oh, and the food. :) Sunday night I slept for hours and attempted to recover from the crazy week...

Sweet Lynnette! So happy I got to spend time with her this weekend.


Throughout this stressful year, I've been trying to keep in touch with things that inspire me. Here's some things that I love and keep me inspired, and maybe they'll inspire you too.

All pictures via Pinterest

Now go outside, enjoy the beautiful weather, and maybe carve a pumpkin. 


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