Thursday, May 8, 2014

(wo)man's best friend

I've always wanted to write a post about my dogs, but then I thought that would make me a crazy dog lady. But, my dogs are awesome. So who cares.

Dogs truly are (wo)man's best friend. With my mom, dad, and sister away from home this week, I've been spending quite a bit of time with them (Riley and Molly). They tend to follow me everywhere and bark at nearly any noise they hear in the house. They also require lots of treats. But they're cute, so they deserve them. 

This past week, we put down a sweet dog we'd had for nearly my entire life. I remember my dad picking my sister and I up from elementary school, telling us he was taking us to dinner. Instead, he took us to pick out a yorkie for my mom. We ended up picking Abby (I liked her because her ears were significantly larger than the other puppie's). Abby had her quircks, yes, but she was a good, sweet dog. Putting any animal down is hard (that is now my second pet we've had to put down) and it really sucks. I cried a lot harder about Abby than I should have, but she was the kind of dog who deserved it. She's in doggy Heaven now, where there are endless treats and bowls of food. 

 I heard a quote once that dogs are simply a part of our life, whereas to them, we are their entire life. So if you have a dog, take them on a walk or give them a good belly rub. They love us more than we'll ever know.  


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