Thursday, May 1, 2014

Calm Yourself

Contrary to popular belief, senior year is chaos. I feel like I'm running around like a mad man. Every day there is something new to do. Yes, school is easier. But emotionally, being a senior is harder. I'm not sure what it is. It could be the college planning, the growing up, the grad parties, and grad gifts. I'm not sure what it is, but my heart and mind seem to be racing these days.

I'm on a kick where I don't want to be lazy. If I'm done with one thing, I move on to the next. I'm literally creating things to do just so I can be busy. Why? There's a million other wonderful things I could be doing besides being stressed. This morning, I've been praying and journaling for a calm heart. I need to relax. Yes, there's a ton of things that need to get done, but God will let me get them done in time. I also realized something this week: We are a world of imperfect people expecting everybody else to be perfect. How messed up is that? Why can't we all be more understanding? We are humans. God created us to be imperfect. That's the awesome thing about us... He loves us anyway, no matter how messed up we are. So, let's change the patterns of this world. Expect imperfection from people and love that about them. I need to learn to be okay when I mess up. I can't be perfect, no matter how hard I try.

This morning, I had a much needed quiet time and found that my "Jesus Calling" was right on cue. It talked about walking in a path of peace, and letting God direct your steps. I encourage everyone to find time to do something that soothes you. For me, it's quiet time at Starbucks, walking my dogs, and laughing with my mom. For you, it may be painting or running or reading or anything. But do it. I'm sure your heart needs to be calmed, just like mine.

Happy Thursday, everyone. 


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