Saturday, July 26, 2014

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

I was laying in bed last night, unable to sleep, thinking about everything in the world, of course. I got to thinking about the idea of texting and how truly impersonal it is. I honestly don't know what made me think of all this. Maybe it's because I'm heading off to college in three short weeks and will have to find new ways to communicate with my family and friends (I can't just walk downstairs to talk with my mom or hop in the car to see my best friend anymore). I read an article somewhere that explained how texting is ruining relationships. I totally agree. Now, couples and friends text nearly all the time, leaving little to wonder about. You tend to ask, "what's up?", but then when you see that person and ask what they've been doing lately, you already know the answer. Relationships are supposed to be exciting and almost mysterious, but texting diminishes that anticipation and mystery. 

As a girl in a newly long distance relationship, texting is the only form of contact for John and I. I wouldn't trade our phone conversations for the world, but it got me thinking. What happened to writing letters? Just good, old fashioned letters. We can't put our text messages in a shoe box under our bed and read them when we get sad. You can't feel a text message in your hands. Letters are so much more personal and require actual thought. It's crazy to think that our world has become so fast paced, that we don't even have time to sit down and reflect in writing on our day. Instead, we send short and sweet text messages, hoping to just get our point across.  I guess what I'm getting at is the art of writing letters is important. In 6o years, I won't be able to look back through my phone and read some of my favorite text messages. But, I could do that with letters.

I encourage myself, as well as y'all, to write letters. Journal. Do something that requires a pen and paper. Put your phone away and actually write something for someone that they can keep for years. Get a journal and write about your day. I'll admit, I may not write everyday in my journal, but I try. The innocence and art of writing is slowing fading away... let's not lose it altogether.


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