These past few weeks have been insane. Recruitment week kept me busy; I don't think I left the KD house for a week. But, at the end of it all, it was so worth it. Getting our new group of KD babies was so exciting - waiting for the big reveal was such an adrenaline rush. It was by far one of my favorite moments ever as a KD.
Bid day was great. We waited outside the house for the new pledge class with sparklers and screamed our heads off! Little did they know what they were getting into. The theme of our bid day was glitter (so dang cute), so we decked ourselves out in anything glitter that we could get our hands onto. Later, we went to a drive in movie. I had never been to one before and it was just as adorable as expected. We ate ice cream sandwiches and walked around west campus for a while. I may have even gone to some frat parties. Shocking, I know. The new pledge class is seriously great... I can't wait to see what they do in this chapter. I'm so happy they found their home in KD.
The day after bid day was a day to myself - finally! I went to anthropologie just to get away for a while, but of course I ended up buying a few things... anthro is a dangerous place. Getting a day off in between rush and my first day of class was exactly what I needed. I got about 10 hours of sleep (oops) and woke up for my first class of sophomore year. It was stats. I'm a PR major, so obviously math is not my thing... it will be an interesting semester. Now I'm sitting in my adorable room, drinking some coffee, trying to relax before the real craziness begins. The craziness of school and tests and homework and studying and no sleep.
Waking up for "fourteenth" grade was strange. I only have two more years of school, therefore only two more first days left. I think back to when I was little and was so nervous the night before school, I barely slept. I woke up and put on the outfit I had picked out days before and got my brand new backpack ready. My mom would help me with my hair and make my lunch and off I'd go to another year of school. I still remember the feeling I got walking into school, another grade older. The feeling I had this morning was so different; there were no nerves or really any excitement. It was just another day of college. But, walking under the tower reminded me of the excitement I should be feeling. Here I am walking on the campus of my dreams, heading to a class that some people only dream of going to (by the way, UT is number 37 on the top 100 best universities in the world, ahead of some Ivy Leagues... so proud). I really am lucky.
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